Organ Model: Liver
Application: Inflammation & Disease Modeling
How Organ-Chips Were Used: The Liver-Chip S1 Quad Culture was used to model hepatic steatosis and validate proteomic and transcriptomic targets identified in human cohorts.
Key highlights:
- Early stage MASLD was mimicked on Liver-Chips by treating both channels with a combination of fatty acids (oleic acid and palmitic acid) for 5 consecutive days.
- The Liver-Chip recapitulated key features of hepatic steatosis, including lipid accumulation and transcriptional changes in response to fatty acid treatment.
- The protein secretion patterns from hepatocytes and non-parenchymal cells in the Liver-Chips were consistent with the proteomic findings in human populations.
- The model demonstrated its utility for studying dynamic cellular responses to steatosis and identifying cell-specific biomarkers relevant for MASLD.