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Human-relevant models for complex biology

We have developed a range of validated Organ-Chip models that enable researchers to more closely emulate human biology by combining human cell sourcing, an organ-specific microenvironment, and tissue-relevant mechanical forces.

BioKit Models

BioKit Models are Organ-Chip models that Emulate has internally developed and validated and are available to purchase as BioKits. BioKits include pre-qualified cells, Organ-Chip consumables, and validated protocols, with guarantees on characterization and functionality.

Guided Models

Guided Models are Organ-Chip models that Emulate has firsthand experience developing and supporting. They can be created using a Basic Research Kit and a user’s own cell sources, accompanied by Emulate guidelines and field scientist support.

Emulate Community Models

A Community Model is an Organ-Chip model that a user has developed with their own cell sources, a Basic Research Kit, and the Human Emulation System.

With over 100 publications and counting, our research community has developed 30+ custom organ models across a wide range of systems. View the publication digest to explore the endless applications of Emulate Community Models.

Emulate Organ Model Tiers





A BioKit Model is an organ model that Emulate has developed internally and can be purchased as a complete kit.

A Guided Model is an organ model where Emulate has firsthand development experience, either from internal projects or by supporting customers.

A Community Model is an organ model that has been built by a researcher using a Basic Research Kit and the Human Emulation System.

 Emulate-qualified cells



 Reference publications

 Available Organ

Colon Intestine

Duodenum Intestine





Lymph Node

Bone Marrow


Non-small cell lung cancer

30+ published models:

Cancer models

Cardiovascular System Central Nervous System

Digestive System

Lymphatic System

Musculoskeletal System

Reproductive System

Respiratory System


Urinary System

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