User testimonials

Hear from Our User Community

Over 150 laboratories are harnessing the power of Emulate Organ-on-a-Chip technology to unlock more human-relevant discoveries in drug development and disease research. Explore the limitless potential and hear directly from our user community below.

Samantha Atkins, PhD

“Since we’ve had this system in our lab, we’ve been able to screen 35 novel LNPs, which worked out to ~125 chips. On the other hand, if we were to run these studies in NHPs, that would take 60 months to run at a cost of $5.25M.”

Carly Strelez, PhD

“I can’t highlight enough how important the mechanical forces are in the tumor microenvironment, specifically in colon cancer.”

Amy Ryan, PhD

“Lung-on-a-Chip models are bridging this gap between an in vitro cellular model and an in vivo, whole organ model. We’re getting some tissue-level dynamics that we can really start to evaluate the impact of cellular microenvironments and functional physiological and biophysical cues on the airways.”

Dylan Fudge, PhD

“Most of the chemical and biological threats are things that you cannot test on a human. So having a system that can reliably give us a human surrogate dose, but also going beyond that to give us the mechanism of action, is going to be extremely pivotal towards our research and development. So that’s really where our interest is with the Human Emulation System.”

Join our growing user community to experience the benefits of Organ-on-a-Chip technology on your research.

Featured Resource

eBook: An Introduction to Organ-on-a-Chip Technology