Webinar Abstract
The liver is responsible for the internalization and catabolic clearance of therapeutic antibodies as well as antibody-bound immune complexes. Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) are key actors in these processes as they express scavenging receptors that recognize, bind, and internalize an enormous diversity of extracellular ligands.
Investigating the pharmacological effects of antibody clearance via human liver has been challenging to do in vitro due to, among other issues, the lack of reliable long-term LSEC culture protocols. In response to these issues, the Emulate Liver-Chip was developed as an effective in vitro model capable of elongating LSEC reliability, allowing scientists to study antibody clearance like never before.
In this webinar, you will:
- Learn how the Emulate Liver-Chip was used to recreate the liver microenvironment and extend the viability and function of LSECs, including CD32B expression levels, for a duration relevant for assessing the pharmacokinetics (PK) of therapeutic antibodies.
- Hear about results that show that the expression of CD32B can differ based on experimental variables such as the source of primary cells (donor), passage number or source of detection antibodies used to visualize CD32B, and shear stress.
- Understand how the CD32B expression was maintained for 14 days on the Liver-Chip in a donor-dependent but passage number independent manner and
- See how the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) imaging showed the presence of fenestrae structures—one of the hallmarks of LSEC function.