Organ Model: Brain (Blood Brain Barrier)
Application: Neuroscience, ADME
Abstract: The blood-brain-barrier (BBB) is made up of blood vessels whose permeability enables the passage of some compounds. A predictive model of BBB permeability is important in the early stages of drug development. The predicted BBB permeabilities of drugs have been confirmed using a variety of in vitro methods to reduce the quantities of drug candidates needed in preclinical and clinical trials. Most prior studies have relied on animal or cell-culture models, which do not fully recapitulate the human BBB. The development of microfluidic models of human-derived BBB cells could address this issue. We analyzed a model for predicting BBB permeability using the Emulate BBB-on-a-chip machine. Ten compounds were evaluated, and their permeabilities were estimated. Our study demonstrated that the permeability trends of ten compounds in our microfluidic-based system resembled those observed in previous animal and cell-based experiments. Furthermore, we established a general correlation between the partition coefficient (πΎπ) and the apparent permeability (ππππ). In conclusion, we introduced a new paradigm for predicting BBB permeability using microfluidic-based systems.