
Plan, collaborate, and analyze

Our suite of software enables users to design Organ-Chip studies, as well as analyze and interpret data.

Computer monitor showing the Study Manager user interface.
Study Manager

Design your experiment, capture study data, and analyze your results.

Study Manager gives you access to the latest protocols, facilitates study design, enables team collaboration, and organizes study data for seamless downstream analysis. 

Study manager features

Design your study

Design, execute, and manage your experiment while leveraging the most up-to-date protocols, which organize your experiment by days and workflow steps. 

Streamline your workflow

Execute common calculations needed for your study, such as dilutions, extracellular matrix concentrations, and shear stress.

Collaborate with your team

Review and comment on study design, protocols, and data as a team. 

Analyze your data

Easily analyze Organ-Chip data with standardized calculators for barrier function, standard curves, and more.