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Emulate BioKits: Innovative Case Studies in Disease Modeling and Immunotherapy Safety

August 28, 2024
11:00 am — 12:00 pm EDT



Join us on August 28th at 11 am EDT (8 am PDT / 4 pm BST / 5 pm CEST) for an in-depth look at how Emulate BioKit models can be used to investigate complex disease mechanisms and evaluate immunotherapy safety. 

Our BioKit models include the colon, duodenum, liver, and kidney, and are available as convenient kits with Organ-Chip consumables and pre-qualified human cells. 

In this webinar, Emeli Chatterjee, Postdoctoral Researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Ben Swenor, Senior Science Liaison at Emulate, will present case studies from three peer-reviewed papers highlighting how Organ-Chips have been used to study cardiorenal syndrome, environmental enteric dysfunction (EED), and immunotherapy safety. Register now to learn how Organ-Chips can enhance your research and accelerate the development of safer, more effective therapies. 

Case study topics include: 

  • Cardiorenal Syndrome: Investigating the role of extracellular vesicles from patients with cardiorenal syndrome on renal injury using the Kidney-Chip, offering insights into disease mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets. 
  • Immuno-oncology Safety: Using the Colon Intestine-Chip and Duodenum Intestine-Chip to evaluate the on-target, off-tumor safety of T-cell bispecific antibodies. 
  • Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED): Replicating EED disease mechanisms with the Duodenum Intestine-Chip, comparing the effects of malnutrition with healthy vs. patient-derived tissue to uncover novel therapeutic targets. 



Speaker Spotlight

Emeli Chatterjee, PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher, Massachusetts General Hospital

Read Bio

Ben Swenor

Senior Science Liaison, Emulate